Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Neighborcare Inc. workshop

Yesterday I ran an Extreme Presentation workshop for Neighborcare, a leading provider of Long Term Care. The workshop took place at their stunning offices in the renovated Baltimore Power Plant, a building that they share with ESPN Zone and Barnes and Noble.

The workshop was only 2 hours long, and although we were able to cover a large amount of material, there seemed to have been general agreement that it would have been better to have more time. There were a variety of roles represented: sales people, educators, as well as senior management. It was interesting to hear the discussion about how Extreme Presentation can be applied in their different settings. The group was fairly large group - about 36 - but the folk at Neighborcare are very dynamic so this didn't stop us from have a very interactive session.

(Please note that all client company names are mentioned on this site only with their explicit permission.)


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